The site is located approximately thirteen kilometers from Pir Ghazi Shah and twenty-four kilometers south of Johi town. The site is 336 meters long, 305 meters wide, 8.23 meters high and covers an area of 102,480 square meters. It is stuated on a rock bed which slightly elevates the site above the surrounding plain. The rock bed on which the site is located is a lower extension of a north-south rock outcron which lies to the east of the site. The iste is located approximately eighteen kilometers east of the Kirthar Mountains, at the eastern edge of a large playa, at which flood channels of the shol, nari, haiell, and angai nais of the Kirthar Mountains coverge.
Ali Murad is allow mound with no architectural features exposed on the surface of the site. The walls of the site were composed of stone foundations with pise or mud brick superstructures. The rock outcrop nearby the site probably provided the excellent foundation material, and the clay of the playa probably provided the material for the upper-wall construction.